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Welcome to the website of the Early Nutrition Academy!

Here you will find an introduction to the science of early nutrition and metabolic programming, the aims of the academy, trainings and post-graduate courses, useful links to research literature on early nutrition programming and information about future events and related fields of research.

The Early Nutrition Academy (ENA) was established along with the Early Nutrition Programming Project (EARNEST) to

  • foster nutrition research and its standards, in particular as it relates to nutrition in women of childbearing age, infants and children, including basic science, epidemiology and applied nutrition, as well as standards of nutrition practice
  • foster nutrition education
  • provide training in research skills
  • communicate research findings
  • foster implementation and dissemination of knowledge
  • help shape EU policy
  • help transfer knowledge and technology to commercial users

To reach these goals the academy offers trainings and post-graduate courses held by cooperation partners in various institutions across Europe. These courses will be announced here and you will find information about the schedule and the enrollment procedure of the next course.

Cooperation Partners

The Early Nutrition Academy has established intense collaboration with the University of Granada, Spain to organise international training courses for doctoral students and post docs in the area of early nutrition programming.

Further collaborations exist with the following institutions and projects:

  • Project EarlyNutrition
  • eurreca
  • NutriMenthe
  • nutrenvigen D+G factors